Germantown GTSB Location: Community

GTSB will not discriminate against any person or group on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, or physical ability.

While GTSB attempts to insure the accuracy and reliability of the Community Events listing, users of this information hereby acknowledge that GTSB cannot be held responsible for incorrect or incomplete calendar information, regardless of origin, or for any negative consequences arising from any reliance on such incorrect or incomplete information.

Any person or organization using or relying upon information from the GTSB Community Events listing hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless GTSB from any damage resulting from an outage of the GTSB server and related computer operations or from the failure of a submitted event to display in the GTSB system.

All content providers hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless GTSB, along with its directors, employees, volunteers, sponsors and partners from any and all third party claims that any content violates a third party’s right of privacy or contains any defamatory content or violates any local, state or federal laws or regulations.

  • Events will be limited to 4 listings per organization per year.
  • Events must be open to the general public.
  • Events must be posted by or on behalf of an organized group or group effort.
  • Private and/or commercial yard sales and other commercial sales are not permitted.
  • No graphics may be included.
  • The information you provide must follow word count stipulations. Failure to follow guidelines may result in missing or cut information.
  • Events will be posted on a rolling 3-month timeframe.
  • Recurring listings will remain on web site until either party (the site administrator or the organization) wishes them to be removed.
  • Changes to listings may take up to 14 days.

GTSB reserves the right to refuse any event submission.

GTSB will not knowingly publish or permit to be published any information we consider to be grossly offensive, improper, obscene, dangerous, libelous, false or illegal, or which violates a third party’s right of privacy.  Any opinions expressed are solely those of the submitters. Submitters are solely responsible for their own submissions.

Germantown Trust & Savings Bank is committed to fostering volunteerism and aiding local organizations in promoting their events to the communities that we serve.  As a customer of GTSB, you can notify us of events via mail, fax, e-mail, online, or in-person.

Please review our event listing guidelines for guidance on the types of events GTSB will post, as well as the timing of your submissions.

We wish we could post announcements for each event, but it’s simply not possible.

By submitting your request to be added to the Event Calendar you are agreeing to all the rules and terms above. If not using the Online Event Submission form on this page, please submit your information (250 words max) to one of the following:

Germantown Trust & Savings Bank
601 Main Street
PO Box 246
Germantown, IL 62245

Fax 618-523-7777


Click on the button below to email us your upcoming event.